Below are all the real reviews about Famous Footwear from actual users, taken from a reliable source, regarding user's shopping experiences related to shopping, deals, promo codes, discounts, free shipping... We hope that the information we provide is useful, valuable, and helps all customers to be savvy shoppers and have the best positive experiences on CouponForLess.
Reviews on Trustpilot can be sorted by recency or by relevance. Reviews are considered relevant if they’re newer and have longer, more detailed content.
Common Sense
2023-07-25 02:00:02
Ordered 4 pairs of shoes this month (2 separate orders). Very happy with the fact that all items were a good fit while arriving within a week. Saved a lot with the 20% welcome discount after my first purchase. Rewards program adds up quick! Will be b
Common Sense
2022-03-22 05:52:28
Ordered 4 pairs of shoes this month (2 separate orders). Very happy with the fact that all items were a good fit while arriving within a week. Saved a lot with the 20% welcome discount after my first purchase. Rewards program adds up quick! Will be b
2021-08-09 10:02:29
What's not to like? Discovered them through duck duck go, not google, and got a great deal on Reebok athletic shoes and received via FedEx in two days! What's not to like?
2023-07-25 02:00:02
What's not to like? Discovered them through duck duck go, not google, and got a great deal on Reebok athletic shoes and received via FedEx in two days! What's not to like?
Nathan M
2023-07-25 02:00:02
The girl who was working was really nice and gave me a deal on something other then shoes so I was kinda happy about that.
Nathan M
2022-04-10 07:39:23
The girl who was working was really nice and gave me a deal on something other then shoes so I was kinda happy about that.
Famous Footwear is a nationwide chain of retail stores in the United States dealing in branded footwear, generally at prices discounted from manufacturer's suggested prices. The chain is currently a division of the St. Louis-based Caleres and maintains more than 1,125 storefronts in 2010. Wikipedia